
Big Faces

Bentham again looks to Picasso for a directness of construction, and economy of means and material. He continues to draw inspiration from African sculpture, here masks in particular. Being surprisingly ‘big’ adds to their incongruity. This quality lends itself to the potential of enlargement to a public scale.

Faces IV, 2020, Stainless Steel, 42 x 20 x 8″
From left: Faces I, 2020, Stainless Steel, 44 x 24 x 12″; Faces II, 2020, Stainless Steel, 32 x 18 x 7″; Faces III, 2020, Stainless Steel, 38 x 20 x 10″
From left: Faces IV, 2020, Stainless Steel, 42 x 20 x 8″; Faces V, 2020, Stainless Steel, 30 x 14 x 10″; Faces VI, 2020, Stainless Steel, 38 x 22 x 11″
Concept drawing for public scale sculpture.